Dear Ocean

O Dear Ocean! deep and Blue  Waves dance on you with morning dew  You are home to million lives  They flourish in you and strive  Since ages, you gave us air and food  It’s the time, we follow our duty for larger good  Protect you, keep you clean  Your great heart should always gleam 

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Dark Nights

Dark nights come with fear  Lonely, O!  I just hear  Twinkling stars smile from far Hoping to find solace Reflecting through the memories  Happy and dear O you sparking star! They shout  What you think, what you fear Look at us, smile and reflect Like you the welkin is bereft 

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Chitthi – Those Letters

Early 1940s, India was still in the clutches of British imperialism. There were magnitude of revolts happening across the land courageously fighting against the universal power that believed never sees sunset. At one hand, Gandhiji’s non-violent approach was uniting countless citizens and the other side Subhash Babu’s call for “Dilli Chalo” had pumped millions hearts […]

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Disability, I call (this)ability

When they threw me into darkness  When they closed all the windows  When they shackled my dreams  When they crushed my desires  When my tears turned dry  And they left me to cry  I woke up…  I woke up to hit the sky  I walked to make my path  I climbed…  I peddled  I played […]

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Men’s Tears Matter Too

In March 2021, Vishnu Tiwari, a 43y old man, walked on the streets of his village after 20 long years of seclusion. Not because he was working in some flamboyant land and has returned to his Swadesh, but he was framed under a gruesome charge of false rape case added with SC/ST act. A case that […]

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Women Empowerment and Empowered Women

The oxford dictionary meaning of the word empowerment is the act of giving somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in. The world has always been in the momentum of empowering individuals and sometimes groups in different eras in different capacities. However, the definition of empowered people varies, and the different perspectives have been […]

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I Walked Alone

I Walked Alone I have a very faded memory of my birth—my mother and my father. They say I opened my eyes on the stairs of a temple—Ardhnarishwar temple, abode of Shiva and Parvati. My first cries were answered by Swamiji, the chief priest of the temple, and since then I became his son—an adopted […]

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Who Am I

Who am I? I am a speck in this cosmos I am a soft ray of morning sun I am lost sweetness in that bitter coffee I am missing salt on that tasteless dish I am a drop of dew melting down those leaves I am nectar hiding in that beehive Who am I? I […]

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Republic Day of India – History and Significance

Republic Day of India – History and Significance 26th January marks the day of Indian Republic Day. A day when India celebrates her constitution, and citizens of India celebrate the honour and rights given to them. This day reminds every denizen the atrocities of British rule and the hardships India had gone through to step […]

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MB Series Episode 10: Formation of Indraprastha

Vidura reached Panchal with the message of King Dhritarashtra for Yudhishthira to return to Hastinapur with Draupadi. He shared the message in front of King Drupada and requested him to allow Yudhishthira to return with him. King of Panchal politely asked Yudhishthira to take decision. Yudhishthira accepted the message and decided to return to Hastinapur […]

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